The syllabus says that you should be able to:
have an understanding of a range of IT applications in their everyday life and be aware of the impact of IT in terms of:
- communicating applications
- newsletters
- websites
- multimedia presentations
- music scores
- cartoons
- flyers / posters
- interactive communication applications
- blogs
- wikis
- social networking websites
- data handling applications
- surveys
- address lists
- tuck shop records
- clubs and society records
- school reports
- school libraries
- measurement applications
- scientific experiments
- electronic timing
- environmental monitoring
- control applications
- turtle graphics
- control of lights, buzzers and motors
- automatic washing machines
- automatic cookers
- central heating controllers
- burglar alarms
- video recorders / players
- microwave ovens
- computer controlled greenhouse
- modelling applications
- 3D modelling
- simulation (e.g. flight or driving)
- spreadsheets for personal finance
- spreadhseets for tuck shop finances